they control you with via the coronavaccin with 5g

‘’implantable 5g nanotech biosensor from 2021 in covid-19 vaccines’’

the article below, not written by People In Rebirth, but by somebody with an analytic view, who tells what happens in and from the world system, this is truth, with a little t, give you more knowlegde, but does not bring you By The Father, Jesus Christ And The Shulamith Into Rebirth – Psalm 87:5 – For That you Have To Serve The House Of The Father, Wherein Is The New Work, Where He Spoke About – Isaiah 43:19, Revelation 11:15, Matthew 26:12-13 – , There Is The Full Protection, There you Are Flowing In His Holy Order – John 17 -, Serving Without Restraint, Without wanting something back, With your Whole Your Heart, That’s The Attitude God Will Bless, Bless With All your Pure Heart Desires, Fulfilling your Heavenly Blueprint

‘Sensor made to cause high fever and bleeding (marburg, ebola) with an 88% to 99% mortality risk after activation by specific 5g’

On sd 3-9-2020, we informed that darpa (the pentagon’s industrial development arm) and the bill & melinda gates foundation were collaborating with the tech company profusa to develop an implantable nanotech biosensor made of hydrogel (substance similar to a soft contact lens). This biosensor could be injected simultaneously with a vaccine and formed just under the skin, where it essentially fuses with your body. The nanotech component ensures that all information about yourself, your body and your health can be monitored remotely via 5g, and that external commands can also be carried out. The indications that vaxxers have indeed received this hydrogel biosensor in their bodies are piling up. large sensor is activated using a special 5g frequency, the consequences will be substantially serious.

From our ( article of sd 3-9-2020:

Defenseone wrote in 03-2020 about this hydrogel biosensor, which is ‘inserted under the skin with an injection needle’. It contains, among other things, a specially designed molecule that sends out a fluorescent signal as soon as the body starts to fight an infection. The electronic part attached to (/ in) the skin detects this signal, and then sends an alert to a doctor, a website, or a government agency. “It’s like a blood laboratory on the skin that can pick up the body’s response to illness before there are other symptoms such as coughing.”

It is therefore not difficult to guess why this sensor can be considered of great importance by the political elite for the (so-called) fight against covid-19. Anyone who has this – which can no longer be removed – biosensor injected into their body will be placed in quarantine by the government in the event of the slightest infection and may be subjected to other coercive measures, even if the person in question is not ill at all. nor shows any symptoms of this.

Biosensor monitors all bodily functions and transmits them via 5G

By using hydrogel, the biosensor will not be seen as an invader by the body and will be attacked, but will instead integrate with it. According to the company, the sensor can not only detect infections, but also monitor the oxygen and glucose levels in your blood, as well as your hormone levels, your heart rate, your breathing, your body temperature, your sex life, your emotions – in short, EVERYTHING. Via 5g, all this information can soon be forwarded to every medical and political authority…

Transhuman human being integrated with global digital control system

The biosensor, which could possibly be incorporated into covid-19 vaccines from 2021 onwards, brings the pursuit of a transhuman humanity, in which everyone is totally controllable and even steerable, very close to realization. The ‘new man’, or man 2.0 as envisioned by the tech elite around bill gates and elon musk, will be gradually transformed into a kind of cyborg between now and 2025-2030, and an integral – and therefore no longer about times – becoming part of a global digital control system, in which personal freedoms will have completely disappeared, and even man’s free will will have been taken away.

It is not without reason that we call this the system of ’the beast’. For the first time in history, technology has advanced so far that the bible’s prophecies about the “mark of the beast” Rev. 13:18 can be fully carried out and fulfilled. (See hyperlinks below).

‘Hydrogel sensors programmed to cause high fever’

Given the enormous amount of moderately to poorly substantiated videos and articles that have appeared recently about the covid vaccines, we have become extremely careful on this site in providing new information about this. Question marks could also be placed behind the conversation between dr. rashid a. buttar and maria zeee, an internationally known figure in the alternative media, if it were not for the fact that the information provided corresponds to a demonstrable and confirmed technological development that we have been experiencing for more than 2 years. first reported about it ago.

dr. buttar, a doctor who has specialized in cancer, autism and heart disorders for 32 years, was trained in the american army and has been at odds with the medical system since 1999, said in a conversation with maria zee at the end of september that he was a special forces doctor. has received information that hydrogel biosensors have indeed been put into an unknown number of batches of covid-19 vaccines. According to him, this sensor is programmed to cause a high fever with bleeding after receiving a specific 5g signal, specifically caused by the marburg and ebola viruses.

Deadly pfizer lots and booster shots

In particular, the pfizer injection ends in -20A and -21A are deadly. For every 20,000 doses of lot -20A, 1700 to 1900 serious side effects (/reactions) and deaths have been observed. In the case of lot -21A, there are a lot fewer at 30 to 70.

According to dr. buttar, this underlines the point of dr. michael yeadon, the former pfizer vp who made a name for himself since the corona crisis with his very serious warnings against the covid injections, and who also pointed out that there are large deliberately manufactured differences between the different lots and batches. Many people would have received a harmless saline solution with the first injection(s), because too many sick and dead after the first shot would have made people suspicious.

The vaxxers who escaped injection 1 or 2 are still injected (= actually infected) with the booster shots. In this way, the number of victims is spread out over a longer period of time, and it will take much longer before the larger public becomes suspicious. And once that happens, it will be too late for millions.

Spikes in reproductive organs

Dr. buttar further points out that the spike protein has been shown to peak within 24 to 96 hours in both the female and male reproductive organs. “The reason is that they are clearly focused on population control, reproduction rates, etc. etc..”

And if the spike protein spikes in the ovaries and testicles, that means the mRNA does too. After all, that is what the body codes for the production of that toxic spike protein. This has also been noted in various studies, as has the particularly worrying fact that the mRNA can remain active in the body for months.

‘88% die after exposure’

Moreover, he says, there is “overwhelming evidence that as far as we know there are three – but probably more – pathogens” put into the nanotech hydrogel biosensors. ‘Marburg is one of them. It is the pathogen that causes hemorrhagic fever and bleeding from the eyes, ears and throughout the body. Mortality rate after exposure is 88%.

This means that if someone is walking on the street and encounters someone who has it (= whose sensor has been activated, the virus has been released and bleeding occurs), there is an 88% chance that you will die after exposure.’

“But that’s through exposure. Here, in this case, it’s in the hydrogel, so it’s already in your body. Then the mortality is probably 99%.’ In addition to marburg, ebola is also said to be hidden in the hydrogel sensor (or ‘capsule’).

One of Buttar’s fellow fighters is lawyer todd callender, who is in contact with more than 500 covid whistleblowers. Callender said in may this year that he had evidence that once an 18 ghz signal is transmitted in a series of three pulses for one minute, the hydrogel (made up of lipid nanoparticles) surrounding the pathogens will expand, releasing the lethal contents. will be released.

In order for the lipid nanoparticles with their deadly payload to penetrate into the human cell, three different HIV proteins, including the ad5 adjuvant, would be included in the Covid vaccines. This was said to have been done ’to disable and neutralize people’s immune systems’, after which the nanoparticles could continue unhindered ’to reprogram the body to make synthetic dna, in this case called s-proteins.’

‘This part of the transhuman agenda is now next’

As early as 2014, microsoft and at&t patents were issued and perfected that allow certain data to be transported through the ‘human vector’ (the skin, bones). “This technology has already been introduced into the bodies of everyone who has taken the vaccines or boosters,” Dr. buttar warns. “So now they can say, hey, you have our patented tech in your body, which allows us to possess the data emitted by our technology in your body.”

“So this part of the transhuman agenda is now next.” In this context, he also points to the fact “that (in the future) they can hear your thoughts and tell you where to go and for how long, and if If you don’t do that you don’t get paid. They know everything about your movements, everything about your habits.”

The 5g network that is being rolled out at a rapid pace enables communication with the various technologies that have been injected into the bodies of vaxxers. In addition to the nano biosensor mentioned, these also include self-constructing nano structures of which a number of photos and videos have already been published.

Next plandemic coming?

Lawyer callender, who has defended numerous accused soldiers who have refused covid shots, believes that the next plandemic will be triggered by the released marburg virus in the nanotech hydrosensor.

“If they turn the switch (5g activation), N-proteins will be released, which will cause people to produce the Marburg pathogen themselves,” just as happened with covid.

In his view, the gigantic wave of sick and dead will then be used to lock up the unvaccinated in quarantine camps and forcibly ‘vaccinate’ them. This global plandemic, which will cause countless victims, will then be used to abolish our last rights and impose absolute totalitarian control, the worst dictatorship this planet has ever known.”

Callender: ‘If foreign occupiers (world economic forum, world health organization, un) take over substantial government functions, your nation is dead. That is happening right now. We must now take our country back from the traitors in our own government, or it’s done to us. Then it happened to the human species.’ (1)

The question of whether the covid injection program will really result in such an unprecedented drama with perhaps billions of deaths will most likely be answered from 2023 onwards.

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